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cv [2018/08/10 00:01]
cv [2018/08/23 16:53]
2001:16b8:4551:c800:98b4:34c6:3164:bbf8 [About]
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 For his creations he explores the abilities of hardware, constantly pushing its limitations in order to make it serve his artistic concept. Recently he developed analogue synthesizers as well as analogue computers and analog neuron networks and uses them to create abstract light-and-sound-sculptures. For his creations he explores the abilities of hardware, constantly pushing its limitations in order to make it serve his artistic concept. Recently he developed analogue synthesizers as well as analogue computers and analog neuron networks and uses them to create abstract light-and-sound-sculptures.
-Spahn teaches at the Professional Association of Visual Artists in Berlin (BBK-Berlin) and is associated lecturer at the  +Spahn teaches at the Professional Association of Visual Artists in Berlin (BBK-Berlin) and is associated lecturer at the  Hof University of Applied Sciences. He was lecturer at the Berlin University of the Arts, University of Paderborn, department of media studies as well as at the University of Oldenburg, department of art and visual culture. 
-Hof University of Applied Sciences. He was lecturer at the Berlin University of the Arts, University of Paderborn, department of media studies as well as at the University of Oldenburg, department of art and visual culture. +
-Spahn presented his work in national and international exhibitions (Selection):+Spahn presented his work in national and international exhibitions (Selection):\\
 Karachi Biennale 2017, Pakistan; Bienal de Artes Mediales - Santiago de Chile 2017; “Feedback” West Den Haag 2017; Wagner Museum Bayreuth 2017; Maximilian Forum, München 2017; “T2F” Karachi, Pakistan 2016, “Venkatappa Gallery” Bangalore, India 2016, „Montag Modus“ Collegium Hungaricum Berlin 2016; Bodenlos – Vilem Flusser und die Künste 2015-2017, Akademie der Künste, Berlin and Galerie AMU, Prague; Croatia; Musrara Mix 2015, Jerusalem, Israel; 2010 Biennial of Miniature Art in Serbia; 2010 Media-Scape in Zagreb, 2005 Biennial in Prague, Czech Republic; 2003 The Kosovo Art Gallery in Pristina, Kosovo; 2000 Biennial of young Art in Genua, Italy; Karachi Biennale 2017, Pakistan; Bienal de Artes Mediales - Santiago de Chile 2017; “Feedback” West Den Haag 2017; Wagner Museum Bayreuth 2017; Maximilian Forum, München 2017; “T2F” Karachi, Pakistan 2016, “Venkatappa Gallery” Bangalore, India 2016, „Montag Modus“ Collegium Hungaricum Berlin 2016; Bodenlos – Vilem Flusser und die Künste 2015-2017, Akademie der Künste, Berlin and Galerie AMU, Prague; Croatia; Musrara Mix 2015, Jerusalem, Israel; 2010 Biennial of Miniature Art in Serbia; 2010 Media-Scape in Zagreb, 2005 Biennial in Prague, Czech Republic; 2003 The Kosovo Art Gallery in Pristina, Kosovo; 2000 Biennial of young Art in Genua, Italy;
-He was also exhibiting at international Festivals of Media Art (Selection): +He was also exhibiting at international Festivals of Media Art (Selection): \\
 EMAF - European Media Art Festival 2017; “Shiny Toys” Mühlheim 2016; Transmediale 2012 and 2014, Berlin, Germany; PIXEL09 and 15 in Bergen, Norway; 2009 The Art of the Overhead in Malmö, Sweden; 2008 and 2009 Internationales Klangkunstfest in Berlin, Germany;  EMAF - European Media Art Festival 2017; “Shiny Toys” Mühlheim 2016; Transmediale 2012 and 2014, Berlin, Germany; PIXEL09 and 15 in Bergen, Norway; 2009 The Art of the Overhead in Malmö, Sweden; 2008 and 2009 Internationales Klangkunstfest in Berlin, Germany; 
-Commissioned work “Southern Cross, Remediation” IwalewaHaus Bayreuth, Germany 2015;+Commissioned work “Southern Cross, Remediation” IwalewaHaus Bayreuth, Germany 2015;\\ 
 +He was resident at:\\ 
 +BangaloREsidency - Srishti Institute of Art, Bangalore 2017\\ 
 +Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen 2017/18\\ 
 +Maggelan 2020, Punta Arenas, Chile 2018\\ 
 +===== About ===== 
 +Article [[http://www.schleth.com/allgemein/kontrollierte-entropie-560.html|Kontrollierte Entropie]] von Ulf Schleth, 2016\\ 
 +Video by [[https://youtu.be/-qBODXhxKyo|Goethe-Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan Bangalore]], 2016\\ 
 +Interview by [[http://www.westdenhaag.nl/films/Wofgang_Spahn_1|West Den Haag]], 2017\\ 
 +Article [[http://www.taz.de/!5456904/|Jeder Pakistaner ist ein Künstler]] Biennale in Karatschi by Ingo Arend, 2017\\ 
 +Video [[http://www.arttvpakistan.tv/wolfgangspahnworkshop/|Painting with Lights]] by Art TV Pakistan, 2017\\ 
 +===== Publications ===== 
-He was resident at: 
-BangaloREsidency - Srishti Institute of Art, Bangalore 2017 
-Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen 2017/18 
-Maggelan 2020, Punta Arenas, Chile 2018 

Wolfgang Spahn is a visual & sound artist based in Berlin. His work includes installations, performances of light & sound and miniature-slide-paintings. His art explores the field of analogue and digital media and focuses on both their contradiction and their correlation.
He is faculty member of the Sound Studies and Sonic Arts, Berlin University of the Arts.

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Here is most of the hard- and software the artist developed for his artwork.
- Analog Computer
- Pop Neuron
- Paper-Duino
- Paper Synthesizer
- Paper Bits
- Raspberry Pi Hats
- VGA Synthesizer
- Sound Boards



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