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installation:entangled_pixel [2018/12/28 17:52]
admin [Entangled Pixel]
installation:entangled_pixel [2019/04/17 15:03]
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 ===== Entangled Pixel ===== ===== Entangled Pixel =====
 +a cross boarder video and audio feedback \\
-{{ :installation:entangled_photons_wikipedia.png?400 |}}\\+<html> 
 +<div align= center> 
 +<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/cFIHcTImJZA?rel=0&amp;showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> 
-The sound and video streaming installation “Entangled Pixel” is based on two video screens in different places and countries which are entangled over the internet. One part of the work will be in Detroit in the US and the other part will be in Windsor Canada just separated by the Detroit River that forms natural frontier between both counties.+The sound and video installation “Entangled Pixels” is based on two separate artworks exhibited in two different spaces which are entangled via the internet.\\
-Our connected steadly changing internet society that permanebtly creates feedback and loops is the methafor of that work.+The installation refers to entangled particles known in quantum physics. These usually remain connected to each other, so that actions performed against one particle will affect the other one as well, even though they may be separated. Albert Einstein once referred to this phenomenon as "spooky action at a distance." 
 +The installation "Entangled Pixels" thus demonstrates that kind of "spooky action" with reference to everyday Internet content. When action and reaction of information, memes and fake news as well as real-news-yet-said-to-be-fake-news get so intermingled that it becomes impossible to tell what may be true and what is definitely a lie - those Internet-based pieces of mis-/information can't be separated anymore, they are forever entangled.\\ 
 +{{ :installation:entangledpixel_detroit_13.50.53s.jpg?600 |}}\\
 +The artwork reflects upon this zeitgeist phenomena by exploring also the technological impact of these entanglements: Both monitors of the twofold installation have a live camera attached to them. The camera films the monitor's surface and - in a feedback loop - projects the magnified pixel structure on the very same monitor. As the pixels' macro structures are exposed, they appear roughened and frayed. Moreover, they are pulsing irregularly in all varieties of color. Entanglement happens since the same footage will also be streamed via the Internet to the other part of the artwork. The receiving installation then mixes the stream with it's own local footage, which will be projected on it's own screen, get filmed by its own camera which projects the mixture on the local screen, films that one and streams it to the other location - where it is received, looped and so on and so forth.\\
 +Moreover, each video signal will also be audible. Due to its sonification it becomes possible to listen to both videos' signals and to acoustically experience the noise of the "Entangled Pixels".\\
 +Thus the setup forms a kind of doubled feedback where one part of the artwork is depended on and entangled with the other and creates a twofold installation.\\
-To each monitor a live camera is attached that runs in a feedback loop and magnifier the pixel structure of the display. These pixel frayed due to there exposed macro structure regularly pulse in all variety of colors. The same footage of these pixels is streamed over the net, too and on the other hand in the other part of the installation is received and is mixed with that footage there. And vice versa. +{{ :installation:entangledpixel_device_01.jpg?600 |}}\\
-So together it forms a kind of doubled feedback twith both part of the hole work.+
 +For the exhibition [[http://www.westdenhaag.com/exhibitions/19_02_McLuhan_V|„Feedback #4 - Marshall McLuhan and the Arts“]], 2019 one part of the artwork was be screened at the College for Creative Studies, Detroit (US) while the other part was be exhibited at the University of Windsor (Canada). Both cities are separated only by the Detroit River, which also forms a natural frontier between the two countries.\\
----- +live stream: [[http://entangledpixel.dernulleffekt.de]]\\
-==== Links ==== +
-[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_entanglement]]\\ +
-[[https://www.livescience.com/28550-how-quantum-entanglement-works-infographic.html]]\\ +
 ---- ----

Wolfgang Spahn is a visual & sound artist based in Berlin. His work includes installations, performances of light & sound and miniature-slide-paintings. His art explores the field of analogue and digital media and focuses on both their contradiction and their correlation.
He is faculty member of the Sound Studies and Sonic Arts, Berlin University of the Arts.

Katalog Kybersonor_2022_DE
Portfolio_Wolfgang Spahn DE
Portfolio_Wolfgang Spahn EN


Here is most of the hard- and software the artist developed for his artwork.
- Analog Computer
- Pop Neuron
- Paper-Duino
- Paper Synthesizer
- Paper Bits
- Raspberry Pi Hats
- VGA Synthesizer
- Sound Boards



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© 2018-22 Wolfgang Spahn. All Rights Reserved.