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The “Thermal-Acoustic-Seance” is a participatory performance like installation. Participants power as well as control by their body temperature an electric headphone concert for up to seven people.

It is based on seven synthesizer invebted and designed by the artists. The only power source is provided by the body temperature of the participants and the pitch will change with the skin resistance and also with light difference: Symbiotic Synth.

The “Thermal-Acoustic-Seance” itself is a setup with seven of these synthesizer in a circle. Every participant has one Symbiotic Synth with witch he or she can make different tunes. But everyone shares the headphones with his neighbor. With that one can hear to his own tunes as well as to the tunes of the person next to him or her. Because all devices are light sensitive one can also control all synthesizerers at the same time in playing with some torch. Thus a collective concert is possible.

Wolfgang Spahn is a visual & sound artist based in Berlin. His work includes installations, performances of light & sound and miniature-slide-paintings. His art explores the field of analogue and digital media and focuses on both their contradiction and their correlation.
He is faculty member of the Sound Studies and Sonic Arts, Berlin University of the Arts.

Katalog Kybersonor_2022_DE
Portfolio_Wolfgang Spahn DE
Portfolio_Wolfgang Spahn EN


Here is most of the hard- and software the artist developed for his artwork.
- Analog Computer
- Pop Neuron
- Paper-Duino
- Paper Synthesizer
- Paper Bits
- Raspberry Pi Hats
- VGA Synthesizer
- Sound Boards



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In Progress


Except where otherwise noted.
© 2018-22 Wolfgang Spahn. All Rights Reserved.