\\ ===== U.F.O. (Under the FlyOver) ===== by [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yashas_Shetty|Yashas Shetty]] and Wolfgang Spahn
Under The FlyOver at Maximilian Forum Munich (2017)\\ //As part of Double Road 2017 (Germany meets India), filmed by [[https://fabianhesse.com/|Fabian Hesse]], supported by [[https://www.goethe.de/de/index.html|Goethe-Institut]], and the city of Munich (Kulturreferat) and [[https://www.theisro.org/|Indian Sonic Research Organization (ISRO)]].\\ // AGAINST any monolithic definition of beauty\\ AGAINST quantifying success in any way possible\\ AGAINST giving space to neoliberalism in subculture\\ A meeting. A laboratory. Sounds from Indian tribes influenced by western radio music and sounds of Kraut musicians from Bavaria that traveled to Bangalore in the 70s. Surprise collaborations between subcultures. On the menu : Live performances and DJ sets that comment on cultural exchanges in a post-colonialism world.
Under the FlyOver under a flyover in Bangalore\\ Yashas Shetty, Shreyasi Kar and Wolfgang Spahn (2016)\\ //With support of [[https://www.goethe.de/ins/in/en/sta/ban.html|Goethe-Institut Max Mueller Bahvan Bangalore]], [[https://www.jaaga.in/|Jaaga]] and [[https://www.theisro.org/|The ISRO]].\\ //
Under the FlyOver - Schloss Solitude (2016)\\ //With support of [[https://www.akademie-solitude.de/en/|Akademie Schloss Solitude]].\\ //
Under The FlyOver at Gallery Palermo, Stuttgart (2016)\\ //Filmed by [[http://rayzhekov.com/|Antoni Rayzhekov]], with support of [[https://www.akademie-solitude.de/en/|Akademie Schloss Solitude]]\\ // ----