
The Unsyncable
by Wolfgang Spahn 2020-21

a sonic vaccination and visual booster

by Wolfgang Spahn, 2018-21

a sonification and visualisation of fractal systems,

by Wolfgang Spahn, 2014-17

A noise and projection performance
about random, chaos and order

by Yashas Shetty & Wolfgang Spahn, 2016-17

Embedded Artist
by Malte Steiner and Wolfgang Spahn, 2015-17

Industrial noise and digital sound processing
meets multi space projections

Liquid State Machine
by Martin Howse and Wolfgang Spahn, 2011-12
an experimental Space-Noise-Continuum

Agnes Paz & Wolfgang Spahn

Concert of Agnes Paz and Wolfgang Spahn at La Idea in Punte Arenas, Chile 2018

by Antti Pussinen and Wolfgang Spahn, 2018